Posted by Kathryn Cramer.
Katarina Milkovic showed a number of NKS patterns and described how she had transformed them into sound and played the sound compositions. She discussed the various things that were tried in 2004 when at NKS Summer School.
NKS Music - Katarina Miljkovic
- Rule 118
- Rule 30
- Rule 110
- Sound Synthesis Rule 30
- Sounds from NKS: Class 2
- Sounds from NKS: Class 2 - 3
- Sounds from NKS: Class 4
- Awakening, for Violin & Piano, Rule 30
In between the presentations there was an interesting discussion involving John Kiehl and others concerning the differences in the situation of Milkovic as a classically trained composer working towards NKS music as opposed to the situation of the people at Wolfram working from software towards NKS music.
Peter Overmann demonstrated the WolframTones site and showed us the various stages of developing WolframTones in Mathematica, showing how they built up to the system of WolframTones as it exists now.
Following the presentations, the question and answer session took the form of a group discussion of aesthetics.
(The blog post I showed involving the WolframTone my son created to go with a drawing he made is here: WolframTones: The Ziporps Gets a Soundtrack.)